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THANK YOU: TO EMPLOYEES                                              TOP

(more thank you)


1. Dear _____ (name):

Thanks, ____ (name), and all the other people working at ____ (name

of store) for a job well done during the past year and most especially during the Christmas rush.

We appreciate your interest in ____ (name of company) as well as the courtesy and cooperation

you have displayed.







2. Dear ____ (name):

Congratulations for doing such a fine sale effort. We at ____ (name of company) now have an annual sales volume of ____ (amount).

We know that your efforts in securing the ____ (name) account has definitely helped us continue our success.

With best regards,







THANK YOU: TO CUSTOMERS                                              TOP

(more thank you)


1. Dear _____ (name):

Just a quick 'thank you' for being one of our customers this year.

We appreciate your business and we hope to continue serving you during the coming year.








2. Dear ____ (name):

In my work, I rarely come across accounts that are in good standing. Therefore, I am writing you personally to let you know that ____ (name of company) appreciates your promptness in paying your account. You make my job easier and more enjoyable.

If you ever have a problem with shopping at our store, please do not hesitate to call me. I will be most happy to see that everything possible is done to make your association with ____ (company's name) continue to be mutually agreeable.

Thank you again for your consistent punctuality and reliability.

Cordially yours,








THANK YOU: TO A SALES MANAGER                                              TOP


Thanks a lot, _____ (name)!

I appreciate your interest you have shown me. Often times I encounter difficult purchasing agents and sales managers. That's why a warm reception such as the one you gave me is a delightful


I hope that we will continue our mutually satisfying relationship. Thanks again!








APOLOGY                                              TOP


1. Dear _____ (name):

My behaviour at your ____ (place) following our recent ______ (what kind of) meeting was deplorable.

I can assure you that it will not happen again. I was wrong. I have no excuses. I am very sorry.








2. Dear _____ (name):

I am sorry you had to wait such a long time for your credit of _____ (amount of money). We have had trouble tracing your sale and the return of part of the merchandise.

The refund check has now been mailed. Again, thanks for excusing the delay.

Sincerely yours,







3. Dear ____ (name):

There is absolutely no excuse for my not meeting with you for ___ (breakfast, lunch, dinner) ______ (time) or at least not getting word for you. The appointment was written on my calendar but somehow I thought our meeting was for next ____ (day).

Please forgive me. I am eager to talk to you and will call on ____ (day) to see if we can arrange

a meeting before you leave town. I will not let you down this time.









SYMPATHY                                              TOP


1.Dear ____ (name):

We were saddened to learn of your recent loss. _____ (name of person) was liked so much that it is hard to believe that he is no longer with us.

His passing will be mourned by all those who loved him.

Respectfully yours,






2. Dear ______ (name),

I was just informed by our office manager of your _______ (relative's) death. It is impossible to adequately express my sincere sympathy at this most difficult time.

I had worked very closely with _______ (name) in the office. Therefore, I feel that I have lost a very good friend as well as a fellow co-worker.

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you.





INTRODUCTION                                              TOP



Dear ______ (name):

For a long time you have been a valued customer and gave our salesman, __________, (name) a warm reception. Regretfully, we must inform you that ______ (name) suddenly died ________ (time).

This is a quick note to let you know that _________ (name) will be taking over _________ (previous') territory and will be dropping in on you soon. We think very highly of _____ (name) and his knowledge of our product, _________ (name).

We are sure that you will continue to enjoy the same profitable and pleasant relationship that you knew with ______ (previous name).

Cordially yours,






RECOMMENDATION                                              TOP


1. Dear Sir or Madam:

The _______ (name of company) has been one of our customers for the past _____ (time period). During that time, they have promptly made their payments. They discount bills within ____ (time period). Their purchases average __________ (amount) during the height of the season.

The president of the company, ____ (name of president) has a fine reputation in this area. Therefore, we are most pleased to provide a reference for him.








2. Dear _____ (name):

______ (name of person) is highly recommended as a highly qualified secretary. She worked for me for _____ (time period). During that time, she proved to be efficient, well organized and tactful with all those people she had to deal with.

I do not hesitate for a moment to recommend her.

Sincerely yours,







3. Dear _____ (name):

I find it rather difficult to answer your letter about _____ (name). I like him personally but in fairness I cannot recommend him to you.

Without a doubt ________ (name) is a talented young man. He was (position held) with us for ____ (period of time) and he certainly knows his business and can do a fine job when he wants to.

But that's where his difficulty arrives - he does not always want to. Instead, he starts to drink and then he becomes very undependable. He will literally walk out of the job for a period of ____ (time period) and let somebody else take over. In fact, that is why he is no longer employed with us.

These facts really distress me because ____ (name of person) is very talented and has great ability. In fact, he would probably be one of the best _____ (name of position) if he did not drink.

Perhaps if you discussed the situation with him and told him that he would be fired if he drank, that might make a difference. I think this would be a worthwhile approach because he has so much to offer.

If I can answer any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.








4. Dear Sir or Madam:

With much regret, we cannot give you a satisfactory reference for the ______ (name of company). During the ____ (number of years) that we have been conducting business with this company, our experience has been very unsuitable.

Our normal credit terms are ___ (number of days) net. But their account has been from ____ (number of days) to ____ (number of days) in arrears during much of the time that we have had a business relationship. Their present balance of ________ (amount) includes purchases made as long ago as ________ (time period).

Of course, this information has been shared to you in confidence and we hope that it will prove helpful to you.

Yours sincerely,



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