doesn't continue
don't sell
don't inform (=don't say, don't tell...)
doesn't cause
Он вынужден найти новую работу.
Он вынуждены покинуть свой старый дом.
Добраться до настроек шрифта можно: - из меню 'Format' ("Формат") по команде 'Font' ("Шрифт") - или выбор фонта висит у вас на панели инструментов, - или можно еще кликнуть на выбранном тексте правой кнопкой и нажать на 'Font'
1) Fil, where are my glasses? Please, give them to me.- Here you are. 2) Jim, your video plays too loud. - OK. 3) Darling, thank you so much for these wonderful flowers. - It was my pleasure, darling. 4) Would you, please , give me another orange? - Here you are. 5) Please , can you tell me where the nearest bus-stop is?- All right... 6) Let's met on Friday. - OK. 7) Please, stop crying! - OK. 8) Pass me the salt, please. - Here you are. 9) Please, can you change me a dollar? - OK. 10) Sir, this is my case! - Here you are. 11) Many thanks for your kind invitation. - You are welcome. 12) Behave yourself, John! Try to be polite. - All right. 13) Don't forget to wash your hands. - Agreed.