in English


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BUSINESS WRITING IS FUN! (for your addressee)

* (see also our funny links)

* (... and the Archive of Easy and Short Funny Stories)


The CIA, the FBI, and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) are all trying to prove that they are the best. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it. The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. They burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit and they make no apologies.

The LAPD goes in. They come back two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is screaming, "Okay, okay! I'm a RABBIT!! I'm a RABBIT!!"



goes in - вступает, принимается за дело

releases - отпускает

witness - свидетель

they make no apologies - они не извиняются

badly-beaten - зверски избитый

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Doris and Fred retired from work and decided to get some extra cash by giving a room in their house for rent. After a few days, a young attractive woman applied for the room and explained that she was a model.

Doris showed her the house and the girl liked it. "There's just one problem," said the model. " I see you don't have a bath."

"That's not a problem," replied Doris. "We have a tin bath  in the yard and we bring it in to the living room in front of the fire."

"What about you're husband?" asked the model.

"Oh, he plays darts most weekdays, so he will be out in the evenings," replied Doris.

That evening, Fred  went to his dart club while Doris prepared the bath for the model. He came home late at night and said with a cunning smile:

"I've never seen anything like it in my life. What a girl! But why did you lift up your skirt and show yourself?"

"Just to show you the difference." answered Doris. "But I guess you've seen me millions of times."

"Yes," said Fred, "I have - but the rest of the dart team hadn't."

...  retired from work - ушли на пенсию

... applied for the room - обратилась насчет комнаты

tin bath - жестяная ванна

darts - дротики

I guess... = I think...

the rest of the dart team = остальные в команде по метанию дротиков


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wishing well - колодец желаний

driving skills - умение водить машину



1) COMICS.COM - dozens of various comics. (The best are about Garfield cat...) Very good for beginners - many short everyday replicas.

2) Eggzone Magazine - funny new, funny food receipts, funny horoscopes etc. Choose one or two themes for yourself.

3) Justin Nuff On-Line Magazine - go directly to the end of the front page and press 'INDEX OF ARTICLES'. You'll find plenty of humorous pictures, articles and lists like '25 reasons why I hate my job'.

4) ETC - The zine of everything else. - Read their 'Humor' section (anecdotes) and, if you're interested in cocktails, read 'Alcohol'. Note that they have got 5 issues for your reading - look up in the menu.

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(English humor: он-лайн курсы делового английского языка Correspondence World)
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